lunes, 16 de mayo de 2011

Codigo: wumpus proyecto final


import lejos.nxt.*;
import lejos.robotics.subsumption.*;
import lejos.robotics.navigation.*;

 * Demonstration of use of the Behavior and Pilot classes to
 * implement a simple line following robot.
 * Requires a wheeled vehicle with two independently controlled
 * wheels with motors connected to motor ports A and C, and a light
 * sensor mounted forwards and pointing down, connected to sensor port 1.
public class otro {
                public static void main (String[] aArg)
                throws Exception
                               final Pilot pilot = new TachoPilot(5.6f,16.0f,Motor.A, Motor.Cfalse);
                               final LightSensor light = new LightSensor(SensorPort.S1);
                               final LightSensor light2 = new LightSensor(SensorPort.S3);
                               final UltrasonicSensor ul = new UltrasonicSensor(SensorPort.S2);
         * this behavior wants to take control when the light sensor sees the line
                               Behavior DriveForward = new Behavior()

                                               public boolean takeControl() {return light.readValue() <= 40 ;
                                               public void suppress() {
                                               } //suppress
                                               public void action() {
                while(light.readValue()  <=40) Thread.yield(); //action complete when not on line
                               }; //drive forward
                               Behavior OffLine = new Behavior()
                                               private boolean suppress = false;
                                               public boolean takeControl() {return light.readValue() > 40;
                               }//take control

                                               public void suppress() {
                                                               suppress = true;
                                               public void action() {
                                                               int sweep = 9; //9
                                                               while (!suppress) {
                                                                              while (!suppress && pilot.isMoving()) Thread.yield();
                                                                              sweep *= -2; //-2
                                                               } //while
                                                               suppress = false;
                                               } //action
                               }; //behaviour
                               Behavior[] bArray = {OffLine, DriveForward};
        LCD.drawString("WUMPUSSSSSS GRRRRRRRR...!!! ", 0, 1);
        int c;
            c =ul.getDistance();
            LCD.drawString("La distancia es" + c, 0,0);
                    (new Arbitrator(bArray)).start();
            } //end if
            } //end else
        }// end for
}//en main
                } // end class

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